美國面簽英文 美國面簽100問
申請人(A):Good morning!
簽證官(B):Good morning! How can I help you today?
A:I’m here for my visa interview.
B:Perfect. May I have your passport and DS-160 confirmation page, please?
A:Sure. Here they are.
B:Thank you. Can you please tell me the purpose of your trip to the United States?
A:I’m going to attend a conference in New York City next month.
B:Great. Can you tell me more about the conference and what you will be doing there?
A:Yes, it’s a conference on artificial intelligence and I will be presenting a paper on machine learning.
B:Interesting. How long will you be staying in the United States?
A:I will be staying for 10 days.
B:Okay. Can you provide me with your itinerary and proof of accommodation?
A:Sure. Here they are.
B:Thank you. Have you been to the United States before?
A:No, this will be my first time.
B:Okay. Do you have any relatives or friends living in the United States?
A:No, I don’t.
B:Alright. I just have a few more questions for you. Have you ever been refused a visa to the United States?
A:No, I haven’t.
B:Have you ever been arrested or convicted of a crime?
A:No, I haven’t.
B:Okay, thank you. Your application looks good and I’m pleased to inform you that your visa has been approved. You will receive your passport with the visa within the next few days.
A:Thank you very much!

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