美國簽證工作證明模板 出國簽證在職證明英文
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing this letter to provide an employment verification for [applicant’s name]. [He/She] is currently employed at [company name] as a [position] and has been working with us since [date of joining].
[Applicant’s name] is a valuable member of our team and has contributed significantly to our company’s growth and success. [He/She] is responsible for [job responsibilities] and has demonstrated excellent skills and expertise in [specific skills]. [His/Her] contributions have been instrumental in achieving our company’s goals and objectives.
As per our company policy, we provide our employees with [number of days] days of paid leave per year. [Applicant’s name] has utilized [number of days] days of paid leave in the current year and has no pending leave requests at the moment.
Furthermore, [applicant’s name] has a good attendance record and has not taken any unauthorized leaves in recent times. [He/She] is punctual and always meets [his/her] deadlines. [His/Her] work is of high quality and [he/she] maintains a positive attitude towards [his/her] work and colleagues.
Based on [applicant’s name]’s performance and conduct, I strongly recommend [him/her] for the US visa application process. [He/She] is a responsible and trustworthy employee and I am confident that [he/she] will abide by the visa requirements and regulations during [his/her] stay in the United States.
If you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
[Your name]
[Your designation]
[Company name]
[Contact details]

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